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It’s community-centred and growing in popularity year-on-year, with attendees responding positively to the varied programming, which aims for a good combination of feature films and shorts, as well as a range of topics covering historical fiction, rom-coms, documentaries and biopics (to name just a few!). Even if you’re not a film buff, you’re sure to find something new and interesting here. With film screenings, Q&As, parties and talks, Cinema Diverse is a fascinating way to learn more about gay cinema and to get to know people who share your passion for film. This film festival recognizes that the stories we tell shape both who we are and who we can become – and establishing a world-renowned film festival to celebrate stories from the gay community makes that community stronger. September brings a wealth of LGBTQ films and panel discussions to Palm Springs, marking an interesting break from the usual all-nighters! Cinema Diverse’s ambition is to strengthen creativity in the gay community through promoting international LGBT cinema. Cinema Diverse: The Palm Springs LGBTQ Film FestivalĬinema Diverse: The Palm Springs LGBTQ Film Festival.

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